Monday, June 30, 2008

Monday June 30th already!

Wow..we are a month into the new Ride Home Show already on WEBE cool is that? Well fun show today we shall give away some tickets to see REO Speedwagon and Styx..they'll be in Trumbull this August after playing a benefit for mid west flood victims on July 16th...listen to win the tickets at 5! Also, a solar powered sports bra?

Web exlusive links: Jessica Alba's cranky post baby would you be? Click here
Ladies, what do ya secretly love about your man? Any of these perhaps?

Plus "things you really don't NEED to know", Jobs of the Future and guess what I got in the mail over the weekend? I tell you after 4pm..then the 6 o'clock people Poll -What is your numero uno pet peeve...hop on a soapbox and call us tonight!

Friday, June 27, 2008

It's Finally Friday...June 27

Big Friday show listen for your last shot at Rod Stewart ticketst to kick off our Drive at 5! Plus all day today we're asking for your support of St. Vincent's Swim across the Sound Radiothon...go back to our WEBE homepage to donate online or for phone numbers..thanks so much whatever you can do truly can make a difference in the fight against cancer!
Also today more pitches from local chambers of commerce that might surprise Jessica Alba depressed to be a new mommy, see the photgraphic evidence yourself here

Poor Maria Sharapova lost at the big W...we have some reasons she can put on a happy face and our 6 o'clock people favorite summer memory is??? Well it'll be a hot one talk to you on the show gang...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thursday June 26

Our citizen salute today...close talkers! Remember that episode of Seinfeld? Kids on summer vaca..we'll all expand our noodles with exciting SAT analogies plus "What IS this audio"? the answers will bewilder you. I'll tell you about the drunk guy who got grab happy at Cher in Nashville...check this link out if you've always wanted to be a celebrity

Plus the People Poll wants to know about embarrassing outfits you still have in the closet and maybe you pick one out to wear to see Rod Stewart win tickets at 5pm!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Wednesday June 25th

Welcome to Wednesday! Sooo Oprah has just wrapped 21 days as a'd it go?

Like Carole King sang "I feel the Earth moved under my feet..check this out

Another round of what are my kids talking about...your teen ever say "Mom you're crimpin my style!"? We'll tell you what to make of Election '08 did the poster who brings us funny audio in Real Weird Stuff we Found Online...Plus Rod Stewart concert tickets to kick off our Drive at 5pm and part two of our People Poll on your first concert experiences at 6...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday June 24th

Keith Urban and Nicole Kidman having a fight? Hmmm could be true could not check this out as talked about on Monday's Ride Home Show...word said she was upset he brought her unstage go to

Fashion Myths debunked for the ladies: Denim on Denim is ok, sure you can wear minis after 35 but no pastel skirts purchased pre-1987!

Plus today on the show: What are my kids talking about?? Listener Emails; Fun stuff you really can get for just a dollar...and what is the most hated food according to a new survey?

Got Rod Stewart Tickets at the Drive at 5pm and tonight's six o'clock people poll: First Concert?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Monday June 23

Hope you had a fantastic weekend! Today on the Ride Home Show I've got to share my experience in Greenwich Friday night with we'll put the magic of amazing Carnac turban to work...I'll tell you about a mom who delievered 23 pounds worth of baby, Bill Gates' retirement plans and you'll marvel at our election polling machine! Plus, the 6 0'clock People Poll "Whats the Most Frivilous Purchase you've ever made?? Hmmmm" AND, ROD STEWART TICKETS as we play "NAME THAT ROD" to kick off the on demand Drive at so much more on WEBE to you later

Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday June 20-Summah time in WEBE-Land!

First and foremost you must check out the link above..I know I tell you about surveys, videos and pics of crazy celebs but seriously this is nuts, Steve Guttenberg of "Police Academy" and most recently "Dancing with the Stars" attacked a papparazzo and its caught in extreme close ups...weird wild wacky stuff!

We chatted yesterday in the People Poll with folks that had lame, dumb, silly jokes..our favorite "Why do radio hosts have small hands? Cause they have brief pause for station identification!" Also we celebrated the 50th birthday of the Hula Hoop..did you know there was an iHula and the Paris Hula...Hula-yo! Plus, Tiger's got a bum knee...was Tony Soprano involved? And 1/3 of all IT personel snoop on co-workers, for example at Trump Tower emails uncovered to Donald's hairdresser reveal attachments of squirrel pictures...hmmm

TODAY ON THE SHOW: Another installment of the WEBE reality show...summer tourism slogans from Connecticut cities and towns, Presidential debates in slow motion and the 6 o'clock People Poll...with all the talk about the Jonas Brothers this week..did you have a teen idol, hearthrob, babe you once (or still) idolized? Cya at the Show!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday June 19

If you missed a minute of the Ride Home Show this week or you wanted to hear something again and download it your mp3 player of iPod click on Podcasts at on the show Annie and I both admitted we've never seen nor understand 'Lost'. Our People Poll on late for work excuses turned up a caller whose toilet exlpoded and instead of having it repaired she had her husband construct an outhouse! Also, we premiered audio clips from the new WEBE reality show where Danny Lyons and I bickered over who finnished the coffee pot at the office.

TODAY ON THE SHOW: More Cabot Creamery summer picnics on demand for the Drive at 5pm. Plus, today's people poll: Got a cheesey, dumb, silly joke to share thats sooo groan worthy its good? Call us at 6pm! Plus we'll might just chat with Britney Spears on her sister's new baby. We're also celebrating the birthday of the Hula Hoop and celebrity emails revealed! talk to you soon!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wednesday June 18

Yesterday on the show Anne and I discussed Bad Pickup lines with you on the 6 o'clock People Poll and the worst "Are we related cause we're both awfully good lookin!" Plus, we were excited to learn Anne Hathaway dumped her long time boyfriend and is now about Getting Smart ***WINK**

TODAY ON THE SHOW: Listen in to audio from the WEBE 108 reality show; we'll poll you for great excused why you're late for work at 6 along with summer picnics and requests on the Drive at 5 on demand! Shocking gossip on Joan Rivers, Lindsay Lohan and...the city of Stratford?? Yup plus Things ya don't reeeeally need to know like the fact Robin Hood is now in the dairy business all this and CT's best music variety talk to you soon....

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Tuesday Show 6-17

Check for podcasts downloadable to your iPod of fun from the WEBE108 Ride Home Show 1) People Poll on Cooking Disasters 2) Highlights you may have missed from the TVLAND Awards and 3) Pitches from CT Cities and towns to visit this summer! Yesterday Annie and I also talked about sexy celeb dads, voted number one? Matthew M. any who wouldn't want to see dad shirtless?? Yikes. Plus, do you the Hulk is green due eating a few tainted tomatoes?

TODAY ON THE SHOW: More summer picinics at 5pm from Cabot Creamery, on demand requests at 5 and today's People Poll : Worst pick up lines you ever heard! Also our world famous Cell Phone Text Message Abbreviation translation including AGTBNTP-America's got talent but not these people! And soooo much more...its almost mid week talk to ya soon!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Welcome to the new blog

Well its official I am a blogger...okay well if you're on myspace you can access my blog there too and read old ones going back for several months at

I'll keep you updated here on whats going on with our show (M-F 2-7pm and 107.9 FM) , me and with the artists, celebs, people in our communities we love so much! Thanks to my friends Richard and Millie whom I hung with at the Fairfieild County Irish Fest Friday night what a great time! Thanks also to Deb and everyone at Securitas in my hometown of Milford we gave em some Stevie Wonder tickets for listening at work! I visited my parents in Rhode Island for Father's Day this past weekend also...

IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Friday on the show we talked about the top Father's Day gifts 1) Ear muffs not only for the cold but for when yout dad has to take mom to the Sex and the City movie (look for audio soon at; we learned Father's Day is observed by Federal Law and has been since 1972-thanks to Nixon! Also in our People Poll we found 62% of men say brown hair is most attractive feature of a potential mate/date..callers also mentioned clothes, humor, nose, eyes and LEGS! Wowser...

TODAY ON THE SHOW: We'll have a summer picnic party to give away..our people poll will talk cooking disasters plus what we saw on last night's TVLAND Awards, Tony's and why the Incredible Hulk is who is the sexiest celebrity DAD and why? We'll tell you today!

be well love to hear from you-Robby