Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thursday June 19

If you missed a minute of the Ride Home Show this week or you wanted to hear something again and download it your mp3 player of iPod click on Podcasts at on the show Annie and I both admitted we've never seen nor understand 'Lost'. Our People Poll on late for work excuses turned up a caller whose toilet exlpoded and instead of having it repaired she had her husband construct an outhouse! Also, we premiered audio clips from the new WEBE reality show where Danny Lyons and I bickered over who finnished the coffee pot at the office.

TODAY ON THE SHOW: More Cabot Creamery summer picnics on demand for the Drive at 5pm. Plus, today's people poll: Got a cheesey, dumb, silly joke to share thats sooo groan worthy its good? Call us at 6pm! Plus we'll might just chat with Britney Spears on her sister's new baby. We're also celebrating the birthday of the Hula Hoop and celebrity emails revealed! talk to you soon!

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